Programs is a set of instructions that instructs a device, such as a computer, web application, or other device, to do a task. It is the inverse of hardware, which refers to the physical components of a computer. Programs enables users to connect with machines in previously inaccessible ways, such as generating graphics, editing films, and playing games.
- 2D/3D Animation
- Activador
- Audio Editor
- Backups
- CAD Design
- Controllers
- Data Recovery
- Disk Partitions
- DJs and Audio
- Download Manager
- Drivers
- DVD, CD and Blu-Ray
- File Compression
- File Management
- Graphic Design
- Multimedia
- Office
- Operating System
- Optimization
- PC Antivirus
- Photo Editor
- Remote Control
- Screen Recorder
- Uninstaller
- Utilidades
- Video Conversion
- Video Editor
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